15 Ιουλ 2008

Δεν θα έρθουν στη Φλώρινα οι πρόσφυγες, λένε τώρα οι Σκοπιανοί

Skopje, July 15 (MIA) - On the occasion of the 60-year anniversary since the exodus of 28.000 Macedonian children during the civil war in Greece, the 4th World Re-union of Refugee Children from the Aegean Part of Macedonia will be held between July 18-21 in Skopje.

Head of the Organisational Board Georgi Ajanovski told the press conference on Tuesday that the manifestation will be launched with a formal gathering on Friday (July 18) in Boris Trajkovski Hall, where Parliament's President Trajko Veljanovski is expected to deliver an address on behalf of the patrons - the Parliament and Government of Macedonia.

A declaration will be conveyed to the international public by participants at the re-union, demanding their basic human rights and freedoms to be fulfilled.

The re-union is planned to converge about 6.000 participants from all around the world, including Canada, USA, Australia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary, as well as guests from Macedonian organisations in neighbouring Greece, (δεν υπάρχει κανένας τέτοιος σύλλογος στην Ελλάδα), Albania and Bulgaria. President Branko Crvenkovski has already confirmed his participation at the event (για να δούμε!), whilst invitations have been sent to officials representing the international community, especially to ambassadors of those countries that sheltered the refugee children.

- At the ceremony, as re-union's central manifestation, we want the citizens of Macedonia to take active part, in addition to the Macedonians originating from Aegean Macedonia (γιατί δεν τη λέτε Ελληνική Μακεδονία; γιατί δεν αναγνωρίζετε στην Ελλάδα το δικαίωμα του αυτοπροσδιορισμού; αυτή η Μακεδονία στην οποία αναφέρεστε λέγεται Ελληνική!), in order to show unity and solidarity at times when struggles are being waged for recognising our historical name, which is being denied (τι ειρωνία!!! η Ελλάδα δεν αναγνωρίζει το ιστορικό μας όνομα, το οποίο έχει αρνηθεί!!! Μα εσείς αρνείστε να αποκαλέσετε "ελληνική" την ελληνική Μακεδονία). It will be our way of showing our determination in enduring the fight for re-claiming our human rights and freedoms, said Ajanovski.

Gjorgji Donevski of the Organisational Board said that even though previous re-union were mainly humanitarian, this year's event will be marked with a political connotation, since it overlaps the letter which PM Nikola Gruevski has sent to Greek authorities with respect to returning the properties of the refugees (να and solving the issue involving the rights of the Macedonian minority.

- The re-union is staring to obtain a political feature, because the Government of Macedonia backs us in our demands, Donevski stated.

He added that representatives of the Greek Liaison Office in Skopje are also invited at the manifestation "in order to be personally informed on what is going to be stated at the re-union." (οι γνωστές απίθανες Σκοπιανές ειρωνίες / μαλακίες )

και το κρίσιμο:
Answering a journalist question, Donevski denied the speculations that the organisation and the Government are to organise a similar event also in Lerin.

Μα το Macedonian Human Rights Movement International το ανακοίνωσε!!!
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