Ακόμη ένα σκληρό μάθημα πήραν οι ακραίοι των Σκοπιων, που θέλησαν να προσβάλλουν την Ελλάδα χρησιμοποιώντας το όνομα "Μακεδονία", για την προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης, την οποία αναλαμβάνουν.
Στις 11 Μαίου 2010 στην 120η Σύνοδο της Επιτροπής των Υπουργών, τα Σκόπια θα αναλάβουν την προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης από την Ελβετία, ως FYROM.
Στις 11 Μαίου 2010 στην 120η Σύνοδο της Επιτροπής των Υπουργών, τα Σκόπια θα αναλάβουν την προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης από την Ελβετία, ως FYROM.
(γράφει πρ.ειδήσεων της φυρομ)
Instead Macedonian, FYROM CHAIR
The Council of Europe informed yesterday that our country will chair the organization under the term presidency of FYROM "due respect to this decision in international law on behalf of the state
"Presidency of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". This will be the official name of the Presidency of our country with the Council of Europe, despite the battle of Macedonia with pan-European organization to preside over the term "Macedonian presidency in 2010.
Yesterday expected the Committee of Ministers to take final decision on whether our country as a full member of the Council of Europe will be able to use the desired term despite Greek opposition to use the adjective "Macedonian". But, surprisingly, from our organization responded that the Committee of Ministers would make any decision regarding the upcoming presidency.
- The Council of Europe will follow this decision of the international law on behalf of the state and this applies to the Presidency, which will be called "presidency of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - told "Nova Makedonija" Kakavijatos Panos, spokesman for the Committee on Ministers .
The Committee of Ministers said on the internet site of the Council of Europe, where our country is listed under the temporary reference as the next chairman of the organization.
FM Antonio Milososki said yesterday that no new information on a possible decision to accept the term "Macedonian presidency.
- Up to now we have more information than before. When we receive any official report of the events in the Council of Europe in time to inform - Milososki said.
Announcement that Macedonia will chair the Council of Europe under the name "Macedonian presidency" the Greek side was characterized as a provocation and violation of the resolution of the Council. Athens estimated that such a move makes it difficult negotiating process and rejects efforts of Greece to create a positive climate between the two take to resolve the dispute.
Author: Ivan Kostovska
Instead Macedonian, FYROM CHAIR
The Council of Europe informed yesterday that our country will chair the organization under the term presidency of FYROM "due respect to this decision in international law on behalf of the state
"Presidency of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". This will be the official name of the Presidency of our country with the Council of Europe, despite the battle of Macedonia with pan-European organization to preside over the term "Macedonian presidency in 2010.
Yesterday expected the Committee of Ministers to take final decision on whether our country as a full member of the Council of Europe will be able to use the desired term despite Greek opposition to use the adjective "Macedonian". But, surprisingly, from our organization responded that the Committee of Ministers would make any decision regarding the upcoming presidency.
- The Council of Europe will follow this decision of the international law on behalf of the state and this applies to the Presidency, which will be called "presidency of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - told "Nova Makedonija" Kakavijatos Panos, spokesman for the Committee on Ministers .
The Committee of Ministers said on the internet site of the Council of Europe, where our country is listed under the temporary reference as the next chairman of the organization.
FM Antonio Milososki said yesterday that no new information on a possible decision to accept the term "Macedonian presidency.
- Up to now we have more information than before. When we receive any official report of the events in the Council of Europe in time to inform - Milososki said.
Announcement that Macedonia will chair the Council of Europe under the name "Macedonian presidency" the Greek side was characterized as a provocation and violation of the resolution of the Council. Athens estimated that such a move makes it difficult negotiating process and rejects efforts of Greece to create a positive climate between the two take to resolve the dispute.
Author: Ivan Kostovska