Η πληροφορία μιλάει για Τούρκο μεγιστάνα, ο οποίος διαθέτει αλυσίδα ξενοδοχείων, αλλά και καζίνο, όχι μόνο στην Τουρκία, αλλά και ...
στη FYROM !
Πιθανότατα -λένε οι πηγές μας- πρόκειται για τον "βασιλιά των Καζίνο", Sudi Ozkan ή συνεργάτες του από τα Σκόπια !
Ελπίζουμε η διοίκηση του ΙΚΑ να μην προχωρήσει στο ...απονεονημένο διάβημα, αλλά ούτε και να "ξεπουλήσει" τη δημόσια περιουσία, υπό το βάρος εκβιασμών.
Ποιός είναι ο Sudi Ozkan
Sudi Ozkan, a Turkish-born businessmen with a string of casinos in the Balkans, the United States, Panama and St. Martin, where he currently lives, is generally regarded as the largest casino operator in Europe.
Sudi Ozkan
Ozkan controlled the Turkish casino scene in the 1990s, making an estimated billion dollar fortune before the country banned casinos for religious reasons. But government records show that his reputation for making money had another facet; avoiding taxes.
Last year he agreed to repay €40 million to the Turkish government under a tax amnesty plan, the first installment to settle a tax debt from the 1990s. In a 2,000 -page report, the Turkish government accused Ozkan of diverting more than €400 million through secret Swiss bank accounts in his daughter's name.
Gaming commissioners in several countries, including Panama and Guyana in South America, have refused him licenses, but in each case he has appealed to political leaders and gotten them anyway.
That’s what happened in Bulgaria.
In December, 2006, the state Special Services issued a report outlining Ozkan’s history and concluding he wasn’t eligible for a casino license.
The head of the interior minister's political cabinet, Alexander Petrov, who was also serving on the State Gambling Commission, got a copy of that report. Petrov and four other commissioners were supposedly responsible for making sure no one with criminal allegations in their background received licenses, according to government officials.
But the five-member commission issued the license anyway, without providing a reason.
In December 2006, the Prosecutor’s Office in Sofia announced an investigation and Petrov was suspended. Three months later, prosecutors closed the case because of a “lack of proof,’’ and Petrov returned to the gambling commission.
Last September, allegations of special favors for Ozkan surfaced again last September. The national security agency refused to issue a passport to Ozkan, announcing an ongoing money laundering investigation against him.
But four days later, Veselin Markov, the former chief of the Economic and Finance Security section of national security agency, signed an order issuing him a passport. Another investigation followed and Markov left the agency a month later. The case was closed because of a lack of evidence.
Ozkan got his passport. He and his son Enis held a press conference, saying they had nothing to do with national security agency, politics or criminal activity.