8 Σεπ 2011

H Ομιλία του προεδρου της FYROM για τα 20 χρόνια ανεξαρτησιας της

"Στέλνω ένα ξεκάθαρο μήνυμα στην Ελλάδα: δεν θα υπάρξει ποτέ λύση που να παραβιάζει την ταυτότητα, τη γλώσσα, τον πολιτισμό και το Σύνταγμά μας"
Gjorge Ivanov , 8-9-2011

Σαφέστατος ο Γκεόργκι Ιβάνωφ, επανέλαβε αυτό που όλοι ξέρουμε, αλλά κάποιοι..
 στην Ελλάδα δεν εννοούν να καταλάβουν: δεν υπάρχει καμία περίπτωση να συζητήσουν οτιδήποτε οι Σκοπιανοί πλήν του σκέτο (ολόσκετο και παντού) "Μακεδονία", το οποίο πρακτικά έχουν ήδη κατοχυρώσει παντού. Μόνο στο μυαλό ορισμένων υπάρχει αντίσταση της Ελλάδας, η οποία έχει λιγοστά περιθώρια ελιγμών κι αυτά τα τσαλαπάτησαν ακραίοι όλων των τάσεων. Η "Μακεδονοποίηση" των Σκοπίων ολοκληρώνεται, έχουν μείνει πλέον μόνο αμυδρές αναμνήσεις του Σλαβικού παρελθόντος στα μυαλά των Σκοπιανών και στην Ελλάδα κάποιοι είναι ευχαριστημένοι με τον "τζαμπαπατριωτισμό" και περιμένουν τους ...Αλβανούς να μας λύσουν το πρόβλημα, με όνειρα για "διάλυση του κρατιδίου" κι άλλες ανοησίες. Για να μη δώσουν τη μάχη, κάνουν την ευχή, ...πρόβλεψη και περιμένουν να δράσουν οι Αλβανόφωνοι της ΦΥΡΟΜ. Κούνια που τους κούναγε...

Αν υπήρχε στο στοίχημα η ερώτηση "ποιά χώρα θα διαλυθεί πρώτη; η Ελλάδα ή η ΦΥΡΟΜ;", θα ΄θελα να ξέρω πού θα πόνταραν τα λεφτά τους.
Γιατί όταν πρόκειται να χάσει λεφτά ο Έλληνας, σοβαρεύεται. Σκέφτεται πού θα ποντάρει. 
Αν είναι ανέξοδη, τζάμπα, η κριτική, κατακτά (με το νου του) τη μισή υφήλιο και είναι πανέτοιμος να πολεμήσει για ιδανικά. Με το τζάμπα, ορμάει με τα στρατά στα Σκόπια. Αν είναι με λεφτά, παίρνει τα κρεμμυδάκια του από τα Σκόπια, ο Ελληναράς ο πατριώτης, γιατί είναι 10 λεπτά πιό φθηνά. Μετά επιστρέφει σπίτι του, ανοίγει το φορητό και βαφτίζει "προδότες" όλους τους υπόλοιπους που "ξεπουλάνε τη Μακεδονία μας".

Ολόκληρη η ομιλία  Ιβάνωφ:

Distinguished citizens of the Republic of Macedonia,

Esteemed Excellenies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Every great achievement, before it is attained is only a dream.

Independent, sovereign and free Macedonia was the dream of generations and generations of our predecessors.

I avail myself, at the outset, on behalf of all of you to express my gratitude, my great gratitude to all those who participated in the attainment of that dream, the creation of independent Republic of Macedonia. The attainment of the ambition to have our own sovereign and independent state – the Republic of Macedonia.

Allow me to express my gratitude to all those who gave their lives for our freedom, to all those who have contributed to the establishment of democracy in the Republic of Macedonia.

On this solemn day, you can see among us some of the prominent active figures who worked and still work for the good of Macedonia. Therefore, I call upon you to join me in applause to greet and thank them for everything they have done and for everything they do for Macedonia.

With this tremendous applause, once again, we greet our athletes who, in these festive days, brought great victories and great joy for us. They demonstrated best that, with sincere desire for a victory and with hard work, regardless of whether anyone will underestimate, belittle or insult us, we can beat anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Dear fellow citizens,

Tomorrow, our homeland Macedonia marks two decades of independence. We are celebrating two decades of life in freedom and democracy. Children who were born along with the birth of the independence of our country, among whom is my son, today are already young people prepared for all challenges that life brings. Just as ready as Macedonia is.

These young people, brought up in independent Macedonia, know that social peace, personal security and safety, economic and social progress and growth do not happen by chance. They know that all this is a result of the constant efforts and permanent focus and interest from the elected, honest, accountable and effective government. They know how to respect this and to appraise it at the elections. They know that what is missing, all that is lost must be replenished with intellect, responsibility and creativity.

These days we celebrate our independence. Days when we celebrate our freedom. However, these are the days when we remember what we wanted for ourselves and for our children two decades ago. What we wanted for our citizens, for Macedonia. We wished, among the other things, a better and more dignified life. We wanted freedom and democracy. We wanted Macedonia to be part of the free world.

We, at that time, expected that the old alliances and treaties, the network of old coalitions and ties, interwoven between earlier established states in the Balkans and in Europe, should make room for yet another new state.

But instead of what we desired, immediately after the independence, we witnessed some unimaginable threats, intimidation, directed at our security, economic stability, our future.

We could expect certain resistance on that path, but we were surprised by the ferocity, unpredictability and irrationality of some. Some of the resistance and opposition to the creation of an independent and sovereign state quickly faded away, confronted with the necessity of the new reality. Some still question the creation of Macedonia.

Since ancient times, remained the belief that wise states do everything to help their neighbors to be united and progress together. We have proven that we can do that. We expect others to do so as well.

These are also days when we are reminded of some moments of despondency when it was considered that we cannot persist alone, that we will not succeed. Such comments might have been understandable in part at that time, but we cannot find an explanation that today, 20 years after the proclamation of independence, we still hear such assessments from certain individuals.

But despite all the challenges, threats and blackmails, it was clear that our people were not afraid. That the energy of optimism and the expectations something great to happen were present in the Macedonian citizens, regardless of ethnicity and religious affiliation, among Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Serbs, Bosniaks, Vlachs, Christians, Muslims, Jews. Their hope was much stronger than the fear and uncertainty, and ultimately hope prevailed.

I believe it is particularly important that in those days as a generation we stepped off from a fatal philosophy. Philosophy that meant to leave someone else to think for us, someone else to make decisions for us. That problem, throughout the years spent in Yugoslavia, for some individuals became a kind of a mental model of thinking, which indeed created a barrier to full development and promotion of the Macedonian identity. Enormous courage was needed to come to the conclusion that we no longer can stand that. That there is no any another center, any other place where we should seek instructions, and a place where we can cast later the blame for the situation.

There is one popular wisdom that says that peoples are like individuals. Sometimes in life they must make a decision, must choose between money or honor. People are usually for money and thus sacrifice honor. Then some, but not all, regret. In this context, I will quote a statement of a great statesman of the 20th century (Churchill) who said that a nation can recover from political and military defeat, can overcome evil and poverty, but once it would knowingly accept humiliation, surrender and sell itself, there is no recovery after that.

Hence, as the fighters for independence in many countries say, responsibility stops here with us. An independent state must courageously and responsibly render its decisions and then take the responsibility over. Thus, we bear responsibility, all of us who are elected by the citizens to lead the state. We are responsible both for the fate of the citizens and of the state. We are responsible for the Macedonian society in general, for the overall development and future of Macedonia.

Distinguished citizens of the Republic of Macedonia,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

These days we could hear some comments that Macedonia should not build triumphal arc because we haven’t had any triumphs in our history. Is our independence a small triumph? Isn’t victory a triumph over centuries-old denials of Macedonian people?

While rivers of blood were shed on the Balkans, Macedonia peacefully became independent, something that is an occasion not for one, but for many triumphs.

We survived and we still survive blockades and embargoes, exoduses and denials, blackmails and threats. Is that not enough to celebrate a victory over those who repeatedly and consistently stopped us on the path to progress?

Unfortunately, some believe that victories are only those won at the battlefield. History teaches us that the greatest and most significant victories are those won in peace, victories in the field of economy, science, education, culture and sport. The history of civilization is full of ruins made by destructive people. Victories are the buildings, both spiritual and material, introduced by innovative and creative people.

Also, we are blamed that instead of victories we celebrate defeats. Some even consider that Ilinden 1903 should not be celebrated!

I appeal to all those who do not recognize the efforts of the Ilinden fighters in 1903, of the partisans, of ASNOM participants, the generation of 1991. I urge all those who doubt our historic victory and our greatness, to be more self-respectful. That is the only way to be respected more by others.

Respected Guests,

It is true that in the era of global politics we need to consult our friends. We have more friends than we think, indeed. However, it is also true that, as an equal member at the international scene, we will do what we think is bestl for Macedonia.

The region has changed. The wars ended. The citizens of the Balkans understood the meaning of war, and also know what democracy, freedom and economic development mean. We cannot expect that the wrong choices of the past will be repeated again.

Today, we will be involved in fierce competition with our neighbors, in a fierce struggle, but it will be a struggle for a faster and better reform of the society in order to ensure that it functions in service and in favor of the citizens. Who will bring more foreign investment and better open up its economy to Europe and to the world. We will also compete in sport successes.

Respected citizens,

Macedonia has done a lot for everyone who lived and lives in this region. It has given them and the whole world, history, spirit, culture and tradition. In order to continue to deliver, however, it is necessary for us to give to Macedonia. Love, respect, solidarity and humanity, ideals, diligence and perseverance, these are the things we can and we must give to Macedonia.

For 20 years we live in a democratic country with a multiparty system. But, when it comes to national interests, strategic goals, there is only one party which recognizes no separation among members and leaders, which knows of no divisions and narrow interests. This party is called MACEDONIA! It is about time to unite around the common single party – Macedonia. To recognize its interests, goals and priorities, and, each of us individually, to engage in the fulfillment.

It is about time to eradicate the perceptions that we are small, oppressed and denied. We are a historical reality and a reality of today. We have our own state; we have rights and a future.

It is about time to start respecting each other. To stop the divisions of old and young, left and right, of traitors and patriots. To begin building respect on the basis of our individual achievements. And, through competition, such as elections, to find the best, the best ideas, best solutions, best individuals.

Respected all,

The first decade of our independence was characterized by historical decisions and challenges, as well as numerous errors and lost time and unexploited opportunities.

The second decade was in the sign of repairing the mistakes from the first decade and replenishment of the time lost and opportunities unused. The second decade also was marked by the implementation of the obligations arising from the Ohrid Framework Agreement.

The third decade is ahead. We do not have time to look for culprits and carriers of wrong decisions. History will judge them. We cannot change what is done, what happened, things that have passed. But, we can influence things that lie ahead. Trust me, we have a lot of work to do. We have to trace the future of our country and to see Macedonia in the decades to come. We need to open Macedonia in every respect, politically, economically, as well as in terms of infrastructure, media and culture. We need to achieve our strategic goals – membership in NATO, membership in the European Union.

This is the right time to build a future for the young people, but also to build young people for the future.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The end of the economic dogmas of the former system required a thorough revaluation and change in the functioning of the economy. It required a complete change of thinking and action of the citizens, rethinking the previously adopted rules which dictated each working day, every economic organization, a review of the role of the state and the administration in the daily lives of the citizens.

Macedonia had endorsed a revolution in this sphere. To remove the weaknesses of the previous economy and to try to revitalize and save what could be saved. Once again, to ensure the rights of the citizens to ownership of land, houses, stores, products of their labor, without the constant threat that the state can take away what they have earned.

We witness a big step forward in the economic policy in socialist Macedonia, compared to the previous periods, but we also witness countless deserted villages and even entire regions. The cities of that period were converted into oversized industrial centers which could not face open competition, if the state did not guarantee market for their products. The large and overloaded centralized educational, health and social systems were a key feature of this system, which was impossible to reform. And, without such a reform it was impossible to meet the needs and demands of the citizens.

The transition to democracy and market economy was an inevitable obligation for the young independent Macedonian state. However, the way it was conducted, the lack of understanding and acceptance of the free-market principles and the rule of law, made the transition last too long and be unnecessarily difficult for a large number of our citizens.

Fortunately, we witness today that the pillars on which the Macedonian economy should rest have already been set. We have monetary stability. We are improving the inherited infrastructure and we are trying to use it for the economic development.

The countless regulations that suffocated the market freedom are now significantly reduced. We can be satisfied with the results of the fight against corruption. We have significant improvements in the efficiency of the judiciary, which was one of the largest obstacles to normal functioning of the economy. One of our top priorities is the education of our youth in areas that can create secure and well-paid employment.

I want to assure you that these efforts have been noticed. We are witnessing that, although the world is facing an economic crisis unseen for decades, yet, Macedonia has a stable economy and manages to attract significant foreign investment.

Respected citizens,

Every beginning has its end, and every end has a beginning. I believe that the formal accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the European and Euro-Atlantic family will mark the beginning of the end of all attempts to deny our existence. We will open a new horizon for us, with a new future for Macedonia.

We do not lack courage or determination for this historical step. We represent the courage and determination of our citizens. However, our citizens have a limit, and we listen and respect their needs, desires and interests. To those who have a problem with our name I want to send a clear message: no solution must infringe our identity, our language, our culture, our Constitution.

Be assured that, as a responsible generation with responsible leadership, we will never and for nothing put at stake the highest of all, Macedonian values.

Respected citizens of the Republic of Macedonia,

Tomorrow is the birthday of our fatherland Macedonia. The birthday, however, is not only for the state and its institutions. The birthday is a solemn day for all our citizens, for every Macedonian, Albanian, Turk, Roma, Serb, Bosniak, Vlach and for all others. Tomorrow is a birthday for every Christian, Muslim and Jew. We all need to make this day a holiday. Day of pride, day of dignity, day of self-respect. Let tomorrow be a day of love for our homeland Macedonia. Let tomorrow, September 8th be the day when we proudly remember our ancestors and our past, but also a day when we look into our future.

Happy birthday fatherland!

Macedonia you were and Macedonia you shall be!

May Macedonia be forever!
Long live the Republic of Macedonia!
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