Απάντησε σύμφωνα με τα Σκοπιανά Μ.Μ.Ε. ο Γ.Γραμματέας του Ο.Η.Ε. Ban Ki-moon, στην επιστολή του Nicola Gruevski. Η απάντηση δεν δόθηκε ολόκληρη στη δημοσιότητα. Στο press-room των Σκοπίων, διαβάστηκαν αποσπάσματα. To κύριο σημείο, κατά τους Σκοπιανούς της απάντησης είναι, ότι για τον Γεν.Γραμματέα, ναι μεν, "πρώτα λύση στο θέμα του ονόματος", το οποίο προσπερνούν οι Σκοπιανοί, αλλά και απάντηση στο περίφημο "other issues", "άλλα ζητήματα", που ευχαρίστησε πολύ τους Σκοπιανούς. Για μας, κρίσιμο θέμα είναι να διανεμηθεί φωτοτυπημένη η πρωτότυπη επιστολή του Μπαν Κι-Μουν, διότι ΔΕΝ ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΕΜΠΙΣΤΟΣΥΝΗ σε αυτά που λέγονται στο daily briefing ούτε στα Σκοπιανά Μ.Μ.Ε.
Βέβαια, υπάρχει μια τρομερή δυσκολία σε αυτό! Ο Γ.Γ. απευθύνεται φυσικά ως F.Y.R.O.M. κάτι που δεν θέλουν να δείχνουν ή να θυμίζουν οι Σκοπιανοί, για αυτό και δεν πρόκειται κανείς να δει την επιστολή, ενώ την απάντηση του γραφείου του Σαρκοζί, τη "διέρρευσαν", μαζί με φωτογραφία του φακέλου με το γραμματόσημο και τς επιστολής! επειδή έλεγαν σκέτα "προς....Μακεδονία".
ΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΑ ΣΚΟΠΙΑΝΑ Μ.Μ.Ε. Προσέξτε τις λεπτομέρειες.
Το MAKFAX μεταδίδει πρώτο:
Ban Ki-moon - solution on the name first
Top priority is that Skopje and Athens solve the differences around the name, which will open the way to solving other open issues.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated this in the answer from the letter of Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Government's press service on Tuesday publicized parts of Ki-moon's letter."I am aware there are other issues you think should be subject to discussion between Skopje and Athens. I hope that, by solving the name issue, the road to better relations will be traced, which will contribute towards handling these other issues, as well as finding possible solution of them"
Top priority is that Skopje and Athens solve the differences around the name, which will open the way to solving other open issues.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated this in the answer from the letter of Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Government's press service on Tuesday publicized parts of Ki-moon's letter."I am aware there are other issues you think should be subject to discussion between Skopje and Athens. I hope that, by solving the name issue, the road to better relations will be traced, which will contribute towards handling these other issues, as well as finding possible solution of them"
Το FOCUS-NET, την μεταδίδει έτσι, αλλιώνοντας το δημοσίευμα:
“ I know that there are other issues, which Skopje and Athens have to discuss. I hope that with the resolving of the name dispute a way for better relationships will be opened and that they will lead to the opening of the rest of the issues and their solving,” he added."
Ενώ το MINA, έτσι:
He also appreciates the endeavour for developing neighbourly relations in the Balkan region and that he is aware of the existence of many other issues for talks between Skopje and Athens.
- The UN Secretariat will resume working with You and with the members of Your Government on issues that are of mutual interest. Particularly, my personal envoy Mr. Matthew Nimetz will resume his efforts towards finding a solution to the name issue row. I am aware of the existence of other issues, which you consider should become the subject for Skopje-Athens talks. I hope that by resolving the name issue, a way will be paved for better ties that will contribute to tackling these other issues and possibly to finally settling them, Ban Ki-moon wrote to Gruevski.
- The UN Secretariat will resume working with You and with the members of Your Government on issues that are of mutual interest. Particularly, my personal envoy Mr. Matthew Nimetz will resume his efforts towards finding a solution to the name issue row. I am aware of the existence of other issues, which you consider should become the subject for Skopje-Athens talks. I hope that by resolving the name issue, a way will be paved for better ties that will contribute to tackling these other issues and possibly to finally settling them, Ban Ki-moon wrote to Gruevski.