28 Αυγ 2008

Letter to Macedonians

Darko from Bitola, letter to FYROMians.

August 22nd, 2008 2:20pm
Most of the Macedonian (or FYROMacedonian if you prefer) posting here are diaspora idiots who think they can dictate our foreign policy.
WE WANT to be in the EU and NATO and have good relations with our neibours including Greece.

Gruevski and his comrads should STOP IMMEDIATELY this game they are playing. You cant go anywhere in my country and not see hate messages to Greece!
I study history and No Macedonia was split in 1913. Infact the "United Macedonia" maps are old 19th century Bulgarian exarchate propaganda which was inherited by the later revolutionists.
Lets stop this crap and get along. WE ARE NO BULGARIANS, NO SERBS, NO GREEKS, but we have NOTHING to do with Ancient Macedonians!
Lets find a NAME at last so we can move forward! The diaspora are wealthy and sitting confortable on their nationalism while we have to struggle for a better future. YOU CHOSE YOUR FUTURE IN A DIFFERENT LAND. LET US DECIDE for OURS. We live in the balcans and not YOU!
Most of us have no problem with Greeks! Fanatic people exist on both sides! Gruevski is a dangerous man for my country and full of shit! Our economy and future cannot keep long without entering the EU or NATO!
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