Επιστολή – παρέμβαση προς τον πρωθυπουργό της πΓΔΜ Νικόλα Γκρούεφσκι, απέστειλε ο πρώην υπουργός Βορείου Ελλάδος κ. Νικόλαος Μάρτης, με αφορμή τους πρόσφατους προσβλητικούς, αυθαίρετους και αβάσιμους ισχυρισμούς του κατά της Ελλάδας. Στην επιστολή ο κ. Μάρτης παραθέτει αναλυτικά πολιτικά και ιστορικά γεγονότα, τα οποία αποδεικνύουν την ελληνικότητα της Μακεδονίας.
Ακολουθεί το πλήρες κείμενο της επιστολής του κ. Μάρτη στην αγγλική γλώσσα.
Former Hellenic Government Minister and World War II Veteran
Following the recent offensive, arbitrary and unfounded allegations of Mr Gruefski against Greece, I find it both necessary and useful to put the following political and historical facts to him.
I first make reference to the Stability and Association between FYROM and the EU Agreement, signed in 2001, in which there are 4 essential terms and conditions:
- Respect for the democratic principles and the human rights (article 2)
- Peace and good relations with neighbouring countries.
Prerequisites for good neighbourly relations are compromise solutions, respect of the aforementioned essential Agreement terms and conditions and particularly respect of democratic principles and human rights, which FYROM does not seem to have complied with.
In the official government website of FYROM, the above Agreement was presented as Agreement of the Democracy of Macedonia (instead of FYROM) among the 16 countries of the European Market (instead of the EU) and the world opinion was thus gravely misled.
In FYROM’ s parliamentary elections, the rules observed by democratic countries were never kept.
The existence of a Macedonian minority was presented by FYROM, which presupposes the existence of a Macedonian nation. Macedonian nation has never existed nor does it exist now. Macedonians are Greek.
This is corroborated by the Old and the New Testament and the ancient writers (Greek, Hebrew and Roman). The Macedonians had, together with the rest of the Greeks, the same sanctuaries and the same Gods, whose domicile was the Macedonian mountain Olympus. The 9 Muses were born on the Macedonian mountain Pieria. The Macedonian language was Greek and the Macedonians took part in the Olympic games and the Amphictyonys, in which only Greeks could take part. Macedonians had theatres and as it is well known only the ancient Greeks had theatres.
Mr. Zelev, on a formal visit to Sweden as President of Bulgaria, replied to a journalist’ s question: «The Macedonian nation is a post-war fabrication of Commitern and a political felony committed by Tito and Stalin.
Mr. Jafferi, leader of the Albanian Political Party at Skopje, stated that: «Macedonianism is imaginary and is based on a myth and the falsification of the history». In a more recent statement he said: « It is also rejected by the scientists».
The central Israelite Council of Greece, writes in a letter addressed to the Jewish associations all over the world «The Jewish religion and philology constitute the undeniable witnesses of the ancient ethnological character of Macedonians as Greek».
During the visit of today’ s Greek Prime Minister, Costas Karamanlis, to the White House, a high Official said to the journalist Mr. Apoke:” Every one knows that ancient Macedonia is part of the ancient Greek world. The historical facts cannot change». (Newspaper To Vima, 16.06.2004)
In 1995 the Institute of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, in collaboration with the Lund University and the signature of the author Staffan Stolpe, wrote in a study they had made about Macedonia: «The history of Macedonia is only the history of the Greeks, but also of all of us the Europeans, because the Greek civilisation, which was spread throughout Europe and the entire world and it affects us even today, was promulgated by the Macedonians».
In 1992 the American Foreign Minister Henry Kissinger stated in Paris: «Greece is right about the name. I say this because I know history that many don’ t. Among those who do not know history are Ministers and High Officials in Washington. Greece’ s strong weapon is her history, but I ought to say that she has not made proper use of it».
As the basis of the pseudo- Macedonian nation is the false assertion that the Macedonians are not Greek, the forgers of the history of Macedonia, in order to establish the pseudo – Macedonian nation, used deceits and lies that are found in the school books of FYROM.
The speaking the historical truth, marbles of Macedonia, as well as the preserved monuments of the Hellenistic world, reveal most eloquently the historical truth.
In all important events through the years, appear Bulgarians, Serbs, Albanians, Greeks, Jews, and Turks, who belong to related nations of the Balkans. Nowhere is any Macedonian mentioned, because there never was a «Macedonian nation», as the Macedonians are referred to as Greeks. The Macedonian issue was created in March 1878 with the St Stephen Treaty. In July of the same year the Berlin Treaty
overturned the St Stephen Treaty. Lord Salsbury, in charge of the British legation, proposed (19.06.1878) that Greece also should participate in the convention, saying: «Macedonia and Thrace are as Greek as Crete». In 1905, no Macedonian appeared in the general census of the population (Hilmi Pasha). In 1912 the new Turkish government proclaimed parliamentary elections with the participation of minorities. Not one appeared as a Macedonian candidate or a voter. In 1912, upon the declaration of the First Balkan War, as soon as the Greek army liberated Thessaloniki, the General Administration of Macedonia was founded. No one reacted, because they all knew that Macedonia is Greek. In 1913 the Second Balkan War took place and the boundaries of Greece – Bulgaria and Greece – Serbia were defined.It is a lie that Macedonia was divided because nowhere in the Treaties is the word «Macedonia» mentioned, which did not exist during the Turkish rule.
Greece is a country, which has actually aided your people and will continue to do so for the sake of peace and good neighbourly co-existence in the area. However, for the aforementioned reasons any name of your country, which contains the word «Macedonia» should be excluded, as Macedonia has been Greek throughout history and an inextricable part of Greece.
Ακολουθεί το πλήρες κείμενο της επιστολής του κ. Μάρτη στην αγγλική γλώσσα.
Former Hellenic Government Minister and World War II Veteran
Following the recent offensive, arbitrary and unfounded allegations of Mr Gruefski against Greece, I find it both necessary and useful to put the following political and historical facts to him.
I first make reference to the Stability and Association between FYROM and the EU Agreement, signed in 2001, in which there are 4 essential terms and conditions:
- Respect for the democratic principles and the human rights (article 2)
- Peace and good relations with neighbouring countries.
Prerequisites for good neighbourly relations are compromise solutions, respect of the aforementioned essential Agreement terms and conditions and particularly respect of democratic principles and human rights, which FYROM does not seem to have complied with.
In the official government website of FYROM, the above Agreement was presented as Agreement of the Democracy of Macedonia (instead of FYROM) among the 16 countries of the European Market (instead of the EU) and the world opinion was thus gravely misled.
In FYROM’ s parliamentary elections, the rules observed by democratic countries were never kept.
The existence of a Macedonian minority was presented by FYROM, which presupposes the existence of a Macedonian nation. Macedonian nation has never existed nor does it exist now. Macedonians are Greek.
This is corroborated by the Old and the New Testament and the ancient writers (Greek, Hebrew and Roman). The Macedonians had, together with the rest of the Greeks, the same sanctuaries and the same Gods, whose domicile was the Macedonian mountain Olympus. The 9 Muses were born on the Macedonian mountain Pieria. The Macedonian language was Greek and the Macedonians took part in the Olympic games and the Amphictyonys, in which only Greeks could take part. Macedonians had theatres and as it is well known only the ancient Greeks had theatres.
Mr. Zelev, on a formal visit to Sweden as President of Bulgaria, replied to a journalist’ s question: «The Macedonian nation is a post-war fabrication of Commitern and a political felony committed by Tito and Stalin.
Mr. Jafferi, leader of the Albanian Political Party at Skopje, stated that: «Macedonianism is imaginary and is based on a myth and the falsification of the history». In a more recent statement he said: « It is also rejected by the scientists».
The central Israelite Council of Greece, writes in a letter addressed to the Jewish associations all over the world «The Jewish religion and philology constitute the undeniable witnesses of the ancient ethnological character of Macedonians as Greek».
During the visit of today’ s Greek Prime Minister, Costas Karamanlis, to the White House, a high Official said to the journalist Mr. Apoke:” Every one knows that ancient Macedonia is part of the ancient Greek world. The historical facts cannot change». (Newspaper To Vima, 16.06.2004)
In 1995 the Institute of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, in collaboration with the Lund University and the signature of the author Staffan Stolpe, wrote in a study they had made about Macedonia: «The history of Macedonia is only the history of the Greeks, but also of all of us the Europeans, because the Greek civilisation, which was spread throughout Europe and the entire world and it affects us even today, was promulgated by the Macedonians».
In 1992 the American Foreign Minister Henry Kissinger stated in Paris: «Greece is right about the name. I say this because I know history that many don’ t. Among those who do not know history are Ministers and High Officials in Washington. Greece’ s strong weapon is her history, but I ought to say that she has not made proper use of it».
As the basis of the pseudo- Macedonian nation is the false assertion that the Macedonians are not Greek, the forgers of the history of Macedonia, in order to establish the pseudo – Macedonian nation, used deceits and lies that are found in the school books of FYROM.
The speaking the historical truth, marbles of Macedonia, as well as the preserved monuments of the Hellenistic world, reveal most eloquently the historical truth.
In all important events through the years, appear Bulgarians, Serbs, Albanians, Greeks, Jews, and Turks, who belong to related nations of the Balkans. Nowhere is any Macedonian mentioned, because there never was a «Macedonian nation», as the Macedonians are referred to as Greeks. The Macedonian issue was created in March 1878 with the St Stephen Treaty. In July of the same year the Berlin Treaty
overturned the St Stephen Treaty. Lord Salsbury, in charge of the British legation, proposed (19.06.1878) that Greece also should participate in the convention, saying: «Macedonia and Thrace are as Greek as Crete». In 1905, no Macedonian appeared in the general census of the population (Hilmi Pasha). In 1912 the new Turkish government proclaimed parliamentary elections with the participation of minorities. Not one appeared as a Macedonian candidate or a voter. In 1912, upon the declaration of the First Balkan War, as soon as the Greek army liberated Thessaloniki, the General Administration of Macedonia was founded. No one reacted, because they all knew that Macedonia is Greek. In 1913 the Second Balkan War took place and the boundaries of Greece – Bulgaria and Greece – Serbia were defined.It is a lie that Macedonia was divided because nowhere in the Treaties is the word «Macedonia» mentioned, which did not exist during the Turkish rule.
Greece is a country, which has actually aided your people and will continue to do so for the sake of peace and good neighbourly co-existence in the area. However, for the aforementioned reasons any name of your country, which contains the word «Macedonia» should be excluded, as Macedonia has been Greek throughout history and an inextricable part of Greece.