12 Σεπ 2008

το STATE DEPARTMENT για την ιστορία της Μακεδονίας

Με αφορμή τηλεοπτικό προπαγανδιστικό σπότ που δείχνουν γιά τον Μέγα Αλέξανδρο στα κανάλια της ΦΥΡΟΜιας ας δούμε τι λένε οι "προστάτες" τους στο επίσημο σάιτ του State Department γιά την ιστορία της ΦΥΡΟΜιας..........
HISTORY Throughout its history, the present-day territory of Macedonia has been a crossroads for both traders and conquerors moving between the European continent and Asia Minor. Each of these transiting powers left its mark upon the region, giving rise to a rich and varied cultural and historical tradition. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the territory of Macedonia fell under the control of the Byzantine Empire in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was during this period that large groups of Slavic people migrated to the Balkan region. The Ottoman Turks conquered the territory in the 15th century; it remained under Ottoman Turkish rule until 1912. After more than four centuries of rule, Ottoman power in the region began to wane, and by the middle of the 19th century, Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia were competing for influence in the territory. During this time, a nationalist movement emerged and grew in Macedonia. The latter half of the 19th century, and continuing into the early part of the 20th century, was marked by sporadic nationalist uprisings, culminating in the Ilinden Uprising of August 2, 1903. Macedonian revolutionaries liberated the town of Krushevo and established the short-lived Republic of Krushevo, which was put down by Ottoman forces after 10 days. Following Ottoman Turkey's defeat by the allied Balkan countries--Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece--during the First Balkan War in autumn 1912, the same allies fought the Second Balkan War over the division of Macedonia. The August 1913 Treaty of Bucharest ended this conflict by dividing the territory between Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia.

.....καμμία αναφορά σε οποιαδήποτε ιστορία πριν τις αρχές του 20 αιώνα....... Ούτε ο Μέγας Αλεξανδρος ούτε το Μακεδονικό βασίλειο είναι κομμάτι της ιστορίας της ΦΥΡΟΜ .....φυσικά......

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