23 Οκτ 2008

Αποκαλυπτικό το χθεσινό briefing στο state department

O δημοσιογράφος Λάμπρου βομβαρδίζει (ως συνήθως) με σκληρές ερωτήσεις, τον Αμερικανό εκπρόσωπου τύπου.
MR. WOOD: Another issue? Sure.

QUESTION: Yes, FYROM. A classified DOS document published in Athens proves a secret cooperation between U.S. and FYROM on the name issue. The submitted proposal by Ambassador Nimetz have been suggested by Department of State and was mentioned in a letter sent here at the State Department by your Ambassador to Skopje. Your diplomat has said that the so-called language and nationality would be dealt without participation of Greece. Any (inaudible), Mr. Wood, for what language they are talking about for the Bulgarians – they speak one?

MR. WOOD: Well, Mr. Lambros, I’m not going to comment on an internal State Department cable. But our position on the Macedonia name issue is well known.

QUESTION: The last proposal was rejected once again by Skopje. I’m wondering if Secretary Condoleezza Rice is concerned since U.S. want FYROM to become a NATO member in December and another Greek (inaudible) is waiting in the corner?

MR. WOOD: Mr. Lambros, I think we’ve spoken on that issue many times here from the podium.

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