8 Ιαν 2009

Gruevski is not interested in solving the dispute. He will just isolate FYROM

O Γκρούεσκι ανακοίνωσε ότι θα μετονομάσει την εθνική οδό που διασχίζει όλη τη FYROM, από τα σύνορά της με τη Σερβία, μέχρι τα σύνορά της με τη Μακεδονία (διάδρομος 10).

Αυτό εντάσσεται λέει το balkansight στο σχέδιο Β' του Γρούγιου (τη στρατηγική μετά το βετο).

Μια ψύχραιμη άποψη στα σχόλια του balkabsight:

"So plan B, is to completely isolate Macedonia and prove to the world that Gruevski is not interested in solving the international dispute at all. Gruevski clearly is losing his mind with continuing these silly games. Unfortunately, the majority of poorly educated Macedonians are buying into all of this nationalistic rheotoric. Perhaps the Albanians will do a better job once they become the majority of the population in Macedonia. At this rate the Macedonians under Gruevski's leadership will have taken the country beyond the point of return to its destruction. What a disappointment. Macedonia is well on its way to never recovering from this mans lunacy!"
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