Mας απαντά το FACEBOOK: "Διαγράψαμε το λογαριασμό σας, επειδή δεν χρησιμοποιούσατε το αληθινό σας κύριο όνομα και επώνυμο !"
Προσοχή, δεν μιλάμε για groups, αλλά για λογαριασμούς φυσικών προσώπων.
Διαβάστε ολόκληρη την απάντηση του FACEBOOK.
Facebook requires users to provide their real first and last names.
• Fake names are not permitted.
• The use of professional and religious titles within names is not permitted.
If you would like to use this profile again, just get back to us with your real name, and we will reactivate the account for you.
If you are concerned about your privacy, you can always restrict who can find you in searches from the Privacy page, which can be accessed by selecting the "Settings" link at the top of every Facebook page.
There is also a section to list your alternate (or maiden) name on the Account Settings page. People will be able to search for you by both your account name and your alternate name. You can select whether your alternate name will appear along with your account name on your profile, search listings and friend requests.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations
-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: taxalia (taxalia@gmail.com)
To: The Facebook Team
Subject: Account disabled
-----End Original Message to Facebook-----
Facebook requires users to provide their real first and last names.
• Fake names are not permitted.
• The use of professional and religious titles within names is not permitted.
If you would like to use this profile again, just get back to us with your real name, and we will reactivate the account for you.
If you are concerned about your privacy, you can always restrict who can find you in searches from the Privacy page, which can be accessed by selecting the "Settings" link at the top of every Facebook page.
There is also a section to list your alternate (or maiden) name on the Account Settings page. People will be able to search for you by both your account name and your alternate name. You can select whether your alternate name will appear along with your account name on your profile, search listings and friend requests.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations
-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: taxalia (taxalia@gmail.com)
To: The Facebook Team
Subject: Account disabled
-----End Original Message to Facebook-----
H απάντησή μας είναι απλή.
Αυτούς γιατί δεν τους κατεβάζετε;
και άλλους 77.000 λογαριασμούς, που δεν χρησιμοποιούν "αληθινό όνομα", αλλά το macedonia στο surname ;