5 Ιαν 2010

Risto, Risto, φτύσε το είδωλό σου, φτύσ'το

Για το φίλο μας το Risto Stefov, η κουβέντα με τον Chris
(το θέμα αυτό αφορά μόνο τους μυημένους περί το μακεδονικό.Ας μη κουράζουμε τους υπόλοιπους....)
Posted by user voden-lerin on maknews today. Stefov finally admits to being the first one to lie about the Treaty of Bucharest expiring. Now he claims that there is something secret that "the Skopjans" don't know. More secrets! He reminds me of those peopel who claim the world would end in 2000, then in 2001, then when that didn't happen, in 2012. Needs some psychiatric help I think...but to the ultranationalists of Skopje he is a god:
(μάλλον τον ψεκάζουν ή βλέπει πολύ Λιακόπουλο! Εκπομπή δε χάνει ο κερατάς! Γράφει και τις επαναλήψεις σε βίντεο !)

Skopje, January 04 2010
Risto Stefov

What causes Greece´s fear and paranoia? Why does Greece appear to be....

afraid of the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people? A very interesting question!

A relative of mine believes Greece is getting anxious because the year 2013 is soon approaching and like Great Britain, which gave up Hong Kong, Greece will have to give up the 51% of Macedonia it illegally acquired in 1913. Not that he doesn´t know this but I had to remind him that Hong Kong was rented out for 100 years and its lease expired. That´s why Britain had to give it up. But in Macedonia´s case the division was permanent and final, at least according to what I know from history.

Besides it was I who started the rumour about the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest expiring. I did this to get some attention for the plight of the Macedonian people living in Greece, especially from the Macedonians from other parts of Macedonia. I even wrote a book about it entitled "Recovering Macedonia Expiration of the Bucharest Treaty of 1913". But as I said the book´s title was intentional to capture peoples´ attention. The Treaty does not expire. Here is what I wrote about it on page 3 of my book;

"Even though the title of this book makes reference to the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest expiring, in reality this Treaty has no expiration date.

The Treaty of Bucharest is one of the most tragic and significant event in the twenty-eight centuries of Macedonian history. It is the conclusion to a number of preceding bilateral agreements between the Balkan States and an end not only to the Balkan Wars, but also to the many and continuous armed conflicts that took place in Macedonia such as the 1902 Gornodjumajsko uprising, the 1903 Ilinden uprising, the 1908 Young Turk uprising, the so called 1910 and 1911Magareshki assassinations.

At the end of all these conflicts the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest was drafted as a means of partitioning the Macedonian territory with intent to eradicate the name "Macedonia" and permanently divide the Macedonian national unity.

The desire to see this treaty expire is symbolic and will be used as a means to bring attention to the plight of the Macedonian people and their condition after being divided for almost a century." (Stefou, Chris. Recovering Macedonia Expiration of the Bucharest Treaty of 1913. Toronto: Risto Stefov publications, 2007, page 3)

Knowing that the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest does not expire still left us puzzled as to why Greece is behaving so anxiously lately. I have no answers and neither did my relative but that did not stop us from speculating.

We agreed that Greece´s fears must be about something we don´t know. But what?

Looking at history for the last 100 years from the day Macedonia was illegally invaded, partitioned and annexed by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria in 1912, 1913, in spite of many attempts by the international community to bring these states to accept universal human rights standards, we can see that nothing has been done to address the Macedonian question. In fact every request made of Greece and of Bulgaria to "do something" for the Macedonians living in their respective countries has been ignored. Why? What could Greece and Bulgaria possibly lose by recognizing and giving some basic human rights to a few thousand or even to a few hundred thousand Macedonians? How could these Macedonians be a threat to these large, well established countries, recognized world wide with populations numbering in the tens of millions?

I believe, and my relative agrees with me, that we are missing some vital information here, perhaps some secret agreement made by the powers that divided Macedonia and by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria. We believe some information contained in these Treaties was kept secret from the general public. We believe the powers that allowed the division and annexation of Macedonia by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria were aware that Macedonians existed. We also know that Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria insisted that Macedonians did not exist. To prove these Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian allegations all you have to do is look at the Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian demographic statistics that these countries produced over the last 100 years about the people living in Macedonia and you will see that all three countries made claims that NO Macedonians were present in Macedonia during those times. That was no accident or coincidence, there were secret agreements made between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria to keep the Macedonian identity secret and out of the hands of outsiders until they could permanently deal with it.

The powers that allowed the division of Macedonia, fortunately for us, did not believe Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria assertion that Macedonians did not exist so a "secret compromise" was reached. The powers, we believe, agreed with Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria that "If no Macedonians surfaced after 100 years of Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian occupation of Macedonia then Macedonia would be theirs permanently. If Macedonians however did surface after 100 years, Macedonia would be given back to them." Serbia lost Macedonia, so at this point it has nothing at stake. Greece and Bulgaria however still occupy Macedonian territories that don´t belong to them and that is why they still insist NO Macedonians exist.

Despite Greek and Bulgarian attempts to eradicate the Macedonians, the Macedonian ethnic identity has survived and is now thriving not only in the Republic of Macedonia but also in Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, the USA, Canada, Australia and the world over.

No wonder the Greek and Bulgarian governments are feeling anxiety and paranoia.

Knowing that Macedonians existed at the time of Macedonia´s invasion, occupation and annexation by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria, the governments of these three countries had to "do something" to eradicate the Macedonian presence.

This explains why Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria introduced radical and brutal assimilatory policies and practices that forcibly attempted to assimilate the Macedonian population into their fold. This also explains why Greece was quick to remove every trace of Macedonian presence in the Macedonian territory it occupied from renaming every person, village, town, city, lake, river, mountain, etc., to forcibly expelling, punishing, torturing and murdering those who refused to be Hellenized; not to mention the eradication of Macedonian books and the Macedonian writing on public buildings, cemetery headstones, church icons, etc.

This explains why Greece has used every possible measure to remove and eradicate all traces of Macedonia from its territory, including the name "Macedonia", which until yesterday was loathed, and today is cherished by every Greek. This is Greece for you, please get to know it. Get to know it like we the Macedonians who lived and still live there know it!

Here is another question for you. If you are still not convinced that Macedonians do exist then please explain how a million or so Macedonians exist today in the Republic of Macedonia when Serbia, less that a century ago, reported that NO Macedonians existed in that very same territory? (A) Did Tito "create" the Macedonians as Greeks readily claim, or, (B) did Serbia lie about its demographics? If you said (A) you are probably a Greek or a Bulgarian with a complex, experiencing high anxiety. If you said (B) you are correct, which should lead you to the next question. If Serbia lied about its demographic what makes you think Greece and Bulgaria didn´t? Of course Greece and Bulgaria did lie! These two countries are not beyond lying when it comes to protecting their interests. And that´s all this is all about, isn´t it?

If there are no Macedonians as the Greeks, with no shame, like to claim then why does the Greek government spend so much money on anti-Macedonian propaganda? Just recently another Greek scandal was revealed with headline news that the Greek government bribed Greek journalists to promote anti-Macedonian propaganda. And if those journalists refused to accept bribes they were automatically labeled "traitors", something that notorious nationalist Greeks are known to do. Unfortunately the scandal did not end inside Greece, it apparently "spilled over" into the Republic of Macedonia. There too Greek government money was used to bribe Macedonian journalists to promote anti-Macedonian Greek propaganda.

It seems, to me at least, that the Greek government in spite of its money woes has money to spare for producing and spreading propaganda against an enemy it claims does not exist.

Another interesting phenomenon about Greece is the amount of money it spent lately on purchasing military equipment; money it doesn´t really have. Did you know that Greece is the 5th biggest purchaser of military equipment in the entire world? What is Greece planning to do with all this expensive state of the art military equipment? Defend itself against the Republic of Macedonia? Or is there something else, something more sinister that Greece knows that we don´t know about? Is Greece, a NATO member and member of the European Union and of every world institution in existence, preparing for war? But with whom, who does Greece see as its enemy?

No matter how you look at it Greece´s irrational behaviour defies logic.

If we look at Greece from the inside, everyone is an enemy; the Slavs, the Americans, the Turks, you name it. But there is one group that stands out in its xenophobic and bigoted hatred and that is the Macedonian people, the very same people Greece claims do not exist. The sixty-four thousand dollar question here is why does Greece hate the Macedonians so much? What does Greece know that we, the general public, don´t know?
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