16 Μαρ 2010

Especially written for Der Focus and Bild: Look who is calling the Greeks dishonest

Especially written for Der Focus and Bild: Look who is calling the Greeks dishonest

A Greek saying "you pay for everything in this life" came to mind reading the Economist online article below. Naturally I'm referring to the anti-Greek propaganda of "Der Focus" and Bild.de. Because some of our politicians lied on the economics of Greece, a bunch of outraged Germans, did not let a moment to go by before they came out with publications dragging the Greek sculpture of Aphrodite of Milos, down the drain. They have called us all the names in the book, criticizing they way we leave, have fun, our working habits etc. Then came the idiot by the name Frank Schaeffler to tell us to sell our islands and may be the Parthenon as well to pay out our debts. Who, oh YES, Frank Schaeffler.

So having these things in mind I was thinking now that Dachau is closed there are no more ovens to produce soap and other "useful products" for the German consumer, the Germans concentrated on the kids. What would the idiot say now? Sell the Vatican to reimburse the victimized kids by the German priests? Or would the idiot claim there are too many years since the sexual crimes so there is going to be no remedy to the victims.

See, idiot, never rush to point the figure at others until you make sure your house is in tact. And by God, your particular house has not being in tact since Adolf Hitler. Also do not open a war unless you know you will win. Otherwise, well you have earned your title in this article.

PS: I hope you do not get offended for calling you an idiot. Idiot is the person who does not get involved with the public stuff and cares only about his own "skin".

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