προπαγάνδα εναντίον της Ελλάδας.
Οι εκπρόσωποι του UMD ελπίζουν σε μη υιοθέτηση του ψηφίσματος, ως αποτέλεσμα του δικού τους lobbing, το οποίο πρέπει να ενταθεί, κατά την άποψή τους.
Επίσης, θέλουν να αυξηθούν τα κεφάλαια που δωρίζονται στη FYROM για την οιονομία, την εκπαίδευη και την υγεία, όπως δήλωσε ο πρόεδρος του UMD, Meto Koloski.
Η διασπορά εξέφρασε την αντίρρήσή της στην αλλαγή του ονόματος "Μακεδονία", που καπηλεύονται τα Σκόπια.
FYROMacedonian diaspora lobbies in US House
Washington, 30 April 2010 (MIA) - Representatives of the "United Macedonian Diaspora" (UMD) have met with about 100 US congressmen regarding Resolution 486, which was submitted in the House of Representatives in 2009, where FYROMacedonia is accused of hostile propaganda towards Greece.
UMD representatives hope for support against the resolution's adoption, saying such lobbying would be enhanced in the future.
"We lobby against the resolution's adoption, but also for increase of funds donated to Macedonia in fields of economy, education, health", UMD president Meto Koloski told Voice of America in SlavoMacedonian language.
The diaspora reiterated its position against the change of name "Republic of Macedonia".
"Taking into consideration that larger and smaller communities are close to certain congressmen who represent their interests, it is absolutely necessary that we also have such people who will support the SlavoMacedonian diaspora or at least be aware of our positions and understand them", said Boban Jovanovski, UMD director for US operations.