8 Οκτ 2011

Enlargement and Strategy report-Irredentism, Hate, Racism, usurp of history

In the upcoming days the annual progress report for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
In the draft report there are only a mild reference about the effort of that country to usurp Greek history with gigantic statues.

That fact plus the irredentism and hate feelings toward an neighboring country must this time strongly dissaproved and condemned on the final report.The report must be negative based on the videos you will see below, proving the nationalistic and irredentism actions of fYROMs government

The behavior of the government of fYROM is against all provisions of the UN interim accord between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the provisions of good neighboring relations.

The issue of the name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is not just a dispute over historical facts or symbols. It concerns the conduct of a UN member state, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which contravenes the fundamental principles of international law and order; specifically, respect for good neighbourly relations, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Reality is presented better with live videos that words-The chant that is in these videos are against Greek sovereignty and territorial integrity.

They are from the welcoming of the national team from Lithuania Eurobasket 2011


after 45 sec you will see the so called United Macedonian flag with parts of Greece-The crowd is ecstatic Also the sun of Vergina is present.


Violations of the Interim Agreement- Pictures

. using symbols - including the Vergina Sun and other symbols that are part of Greece's historical and cultural heritage - the use of which is prohibited under article 7.2. Other instances of this violation include the renaming Skopje's airport "Alexander the Great", the raising of statues of Alexander the Great and Philip II, and naming the section of Corridor X that passes through the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia "Alexander the Macedonian".

. taking or tolerating provocative actions that incite hostility and fanaticism, including desecration of the Greek flag and substitution of the Nazi swastika for the Christian cross, harassment of Greek businesses, businesspersons and tourists, etc., in violation of article 7.1.

promoting territorial designs against Greece through the portrayal on maps, in school books, in history books, etc., of Greek territory as being within the territory of a "greater" Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in violation of articles 2, 3, 4 and 7.1;

I believe those evidences are enough. Greece is not trying to impose a solution but it is trying to protect its macedonian history from usurp and its sovereignty from the rising irredentism actions from the official government of fYROM that creates nationalistic feelings to the Slavic population of the country.

Exhibiting the requisite constructive spirit, Greece proceeded to a major compromise, accepting a compound name with a geographical qualifier for use in relation to everyone (erga omnes for the country's name the language, the products, the nationality).

respectfully yours
Petros Petrakis
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