(Άρθρο, για ένα θέμα που πλέον απασχολεί ΜΟΝΟ ξένους! Το θέμα της επιστροφής των γλυπτών του Παρθενώνα...)
One cold and wet November day back in 1976, Tom Jackson was called down to London from his hometown, Manchester, by the head office of the bank that he worked for and was offered a four-year posting to Greece. Shortly after arriving here, he met his future wife, within a year they were married and he decided to stay in Greece.
More than three decades later, Jackson is still enjoying the “fabulous cuisine and wonderful weather” of Greece, but has also delved deeply into an issue that has fascinated him, the Parthenon Marbles. Shortly after releasing his novel The Devil’s Legacy, Jackson argues in favour of the cause for their restoration in Athens and provides details on his book. “Fiction,” as Jackson explains, “is interwoven with historical fact to create a plausible, yet original and absorbing hypothesis revolving around a highly topical issue, the return of the Parthenon Marbles to their rightful home in the New Acropolis Museum.”
Η συνέχεια στο εξειδικευμένο http://www.parthenon-sculptures.blogspot.com/