7 Σεπ 2012


Dear professor
Dr. Stephan Schulmeister ,

your positions on the Greek crisis and ongoing recession of the Greek economy are absolutely correct.
I am an economist and I really can not understand that all these policies are applied for my country, Greece.
I read your posts about Greece and the potential Greece to return sixty years back in the past and I agree.
The issue of the Greek crisis is not managed according to the economic science but unfortunately according
the basis of incorrect policies and this is the reason for the danger for the Greek economy and the Greek people to return back.
The debt crisis is relative to the financial crisis but is not the same, as well.
It is an essential difference that many confuse.The Greek economy suffers from anachronistic institutions and needs immediate change in all qualities and levels,too.

Greece needs help, not superficial and fake with more and more loans that will bring an even more difficult situation in the country but with substantial aid ,investments and development.Growth can not come from the planet Mars but by strong incentives for development of the Greek economy within the European economy, within or outside the eurozone area.
So, the most important and the most immediate thing has to be done is to combine two basic things, reducing the Greek deficit and debt and the growth of the Greek economy and the strong confidence of our partners in the European Union, the construction of factories and production units that will allow the reversal of the psychological climate that currently exists for everything Greek.
The Greeks dear and esteemed professor, are not the lazy europeans and because we live in a wonderful country does not mean that the result of living can and should characterize the Greeks as "lazy and ungrateful".
The problem is not whether Greece will remain in the euro or to return back to drachma.The main problem is whether Greece can reverse the current situation.
If Greece stay into the Eurozone with the current features then the result if finally will return back to the historic and old currency drachma, will be the same .
The problem is structural, institutional, political, and even moral.
Show confidence in Greece, invest in Greece.
This is what the country needs. Love and trust.
Of course we all know that a lot needs to change but the cost of the persistence of some European countries who believe that Greece is a protectorate, is much greater than the challenge that Greece is now must face.Halting the economic climate is directly related to ethical dilemmas in Europe. It is ridiculous that we are all members of a union of states in Europe and one country accuses the other, people cursing each other,Greeks cursing the Germans and Germans the Greeks, Spaniards swear Finns, Italians cursing the Germans, the Austrians blame the Greeks and so forth while the others watching the "hot" show!
This is not a European economic union but a construct which if it continues this way of working will self-destruct someday.
The problem is that Europe first should have achieved the politic union and then the economic union and I refer not only to the "euro" but to all economic characteristics and tools that probably would allowed us the greatest possible economic uniformity.
It became the opposite.
Now the powerful countries of Europe do not want to help the weaker countries because they fear their own debt crisis that is coming.
Dublin 1 and 2 agreements are fatal for Greece, Asians and Africans have come to Greece trying to change the Greek culture and history. We, Greeks are not racist at all but illegal immigrants who have invaded the country mainly from Turkey is a destabilizing factor not only for Greece but for the entire Europe,too.Where is the united Europe in the problem of illegal immigration and why you do not want, the advanced countries of northern and central Europe to take the equivalent cost of illegal immigrants?
Why only Greece should be the basin watershed of all immigrants in Europe ? And you in Austria, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Great Britain,The Netherlands should accept immigrants and illegal immigrants like Greece did for so many years and has become the dumping ground of Europe.
Europe must march drawn to the problems that arise and need to be addressed unitary from all member countries of the European Union else otherwise we are all fooling ourselves and others like children in the playground !
Greece has three heavy industries.
Tourism,shipping and the Greek agricultural products that are tastier and healthier in Europe and the best in the world.
There should all focus their attention, after the solar energy and the rich subsoil of Greece.The goal-target is to create Greek serfs in their own country and some clever entrepreneurs to invest when they have reduced wages and salaries, the Greeks would have lost their homes, their cars, their properties and all would have scorned in order for them
to buy at ridiculous prices.
That is the point and the final target of all those who gave loans ,loans,loans and loans the past years to Greece in order for the people to consume your products .

With respect and sincere feelings of friendship ,

Μr. Antonios Michalopoulos
Economist ,M.sc in strategic management
Holargos - Athens ,
Greece .
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