19 Απρ 2016

United Opposition of FYROM Attacks the Ministry of Culture in Skopje, 18th of April 2016 (Video)

The 6th day of demonstration (Monday evening, 18th of April) by the United Opposition of Skopje for the second time expressed revolt against “historical innovations” which were introduced, for the decade of VMRO-DPMNE monopoly over all forms of government. These well-known “ethnological” forgeries serve only to instill both sense of identity distinct from Bulgarian, Serbian and Ellino-
Vlach ethnicities, as well as to motivate the population towards an expansionist agenda aimed primarily against northern Greece.

The riot, which was on the largest scale since the infamous decision by FYROM's President Ѓorge Ivanov decided to grant abolition to dozens of leading politicians primarily from the ranks of ruling VMRO-DPMNE, became aimed today primarily against the Ministry of Culture, the chief promoter of “ethnic Macedonian identity”. 

The protesters, composed mostly of young people, as well as a number of intellectuals, approached the building of Ministry of Culture in central part of Skopje, in the evening at 20.00 local time/21.00 Greek time, and vigorously attacked its frontal facade with paint-bombs. Police officers equipped with anti-riot gear stepped in, but, being outnumbered, took only a defensive stance.

This is the second instance of assault against structures which are symbolic of Pseudo-Macedonian “national ideology”, the first one being Saturday's attack on the Triumphal Arch (so-called Porta Makedonija, which was also targeted). In essence, this was a revolt against decade-long hijacking of national future in the name of the invented and fabricated past.
(Note: in the video, attack on the s.c. "Triumphal Arch" is on 3 min. 20 sec. while the attack on the Ministry of Culture is on 5 min. 25 sec.)

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