Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan, heir to the defunct dynastic throne that ruled Hunza Valley for a thousand years until the Hunza State was swallowed by Pakistan in 1974; he is now an elected official, Chief Administrator for the Northern Areas, head of the local jirga, or village court, and Chairman of the Northern Area talks on Kashmir. Before serving seven years in the foreign service (in Washington, D.C and Iran) Ghazanfar Ali Khan received advanced degrees in Political Science and International Relations (Lahore and London, (εκεί που σπούδασε και ο Γκρούεσκι (London Securities Institute), and before that, he attended Gordon College in Rawalpindi.

Αλλά και η πριγκίπισσα, περισσότερο για φανατική οπαδή του Roberto Cavalli και του οίκου Dior μου κάνει, παρά για Πακιστανή ιθαγενής, απευθείας απόγονη του Μ.Αλεξάνδρου.
ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΤΡΙΑ ΞΕΝΟΔΟΧΕΙΟΥ. Ολες οι πληροφορίες εδώ: