7 Οκτ 2008

Αποχωρούν οι Σκοπιανοί από το ΙΡΑΚ. Μεγάλο πλήγμα...

Αποχωρεί ο "Μακεδονικός" στρατός από το ΙΡΑΚ. Τι πλήγμα για τη συμμαχία των αξιών!!!

The Army of the Republic of Macedonia (ARM) is going to pull off its troops from Iraq until 15 December.

The decision for withdrawal is purely strategic and is no way related to the dispute over the name, country's aspirations for membership in NATO, or last week's incident when ARM's jeep ran into a landmine placed outside the base in Taji, A2 TV Station reported.

A2 cited sources of the defense ministry as saying that the preparations for the withdrawal are already underway, including briefing of the unit deployed in Taji as well as the Macedonia-based Special Ops Regiment, which serves as a resource for recruitment of soldiers for the army contingent in Iraq.
According to the information, the current ARM contingent in Iraq should be the last one. The unit that was to replace this contingent is preparing for a mission, however, its destination remains unknown.
The chances are that after pulling off from Iraq, ARM will send the troops intended for Iraq to serve in Afghanistan or some other mission abroad.
The first contingent of ARM troops taking part in "Freedom for Iraq" Mission, departed from Macedonia in June 2003. //06.10.08
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