Στο "κέντρο στρατηγικής και διεθνών σπουδών" -Center for Strategic and International Studies- στη Νέα Υόρκη, διοργανώθηκε την Πέμπτη 2 Οκτωβρίου, στα πλαίσια του ‘New Democracies Project’ ένα forum με τίτλο "Νέοι σύμμαχοι και νέα Αμερικανική διοίκηση: Προτεραιότητες για την Αμερικανο-ευρωπαϊκή προσέγγιση" - ‘New Allies and the New U.S. Administration: Priorities for CEE-U.S. Relations’ -
Hungarian American Coalition, The FYROM lobby so-called ‘United Macedonian Diaspora’, American Polish Forum, American Friends of the Czech Republic, Friends of Slovakia, Georgian Association, Lithuanian American Community, National Albanian American Council, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, American Hungarian Federation, Bosniak American Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, Joint Baltic American National Committee, Estonian American National Council, American Latvian Association, Lithuanian American Council, and Foundation for Democracy, Liberty, Culture from Romania.
‘At the Bucharest Summit, two precedents happened, Skopia was blocked into NATO by Greece over the name unilaterally and the rest such as Germany and France did not support Georgia or Ukraine into NATO. What is the McCain position on this?
Ποιά είναι η θέση του McCain, δηλαδή σχετικά με το βέτο της Ελλάδας, στη σύνοδο του Βουκουρεστίου.
Ξαναρωτήθηκε από το λομπίστα των Σκοπίων Joe Foley, που εκπροσωπούσε τη "National Croatian Federation", και την "United Macedonian Diaspora".
"how Croatia and Albania were accepted into NATO while Greece unilaterally vetoed Μacedonia to NATO while Greece rejected two names by Nimetz before the Bucharest Summit and that his friends from the Defense Department noticed a large Russian military purchase of Greece If this is true and with Russians benefiting from this. What is the campaign’s view.?
δηλαδή, γιατί δέχθηκε το ΝΑΤΟ το Ελληνικό βέτο και .... ότι οι φίλοι του από το υπουργείο άμυνας των ΗΠΑ τον πληροφόρησαν, ότι η Ελλάδα, πραγματοποίησε μια μεγάλη αγορά όπλων από τη Ρωσία! Ρώτησε αν αληθεύει κι αν οι Ρώσοι επωφελούνται από αυτήν!!!
Η Schake απήντησε: “ It is unfortunate that Greece blocked Macedonia into NATO. I think it would be a friend and ally of the USA if Greece accepted them. It would be self-interest for the U.S.A.. The Greeks ought to move on. Greece is not a back-door Trojan horse into NATO for Russia.”
Ο εκπρόσωπος του Jamestown Foundation επιτέθηκε στην Ελλάδα, για τον αγωγό Burgas-Alexandropouli. (!!!!!)
Στη συνέχεια τοποθετήθηκε ο Philip Gordon εκπρόσωπος του Obama. Στο θέμα των Σκοπίων, είπε:
” Senator Obama is a cosponsor of S.Res. 300. He said how it does say that country refrain from spreading propaganda in a place where it’s known to take place. He said how the countries involved should find a solution. There is no other way around this. This is not stabilizing. The only way out of this is to talk over the name. I would encourage the process for this.”
και η συνέχεια....
Meto Koloski told the forum how his group’s biggest issue is the name issue of Macedonia with Greece. He said it’s unacceptable how one member state in NATO blocks the country. He gave recommendations to the next US Administration. The Skopian lobby is pushing an alternative to the Burgas-Alexandropoli pipeline. He says this route lacks support or funding. The pipeline they are proposing is from Bulgaria-Skopia-Albania. The second is they are proposing an East-West highway from Durres, Albania-Skopia-to Bulgaria to bypass Greece. They are pushing Skopia into the Black Sea Region cooperation group which Greece is a member. He cited how Skopia is a net exporter of security and is helping U.S. against terrorism, political Islam, etc. The last issue he spoke of concern was for the rights of minorities in Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, including the Macedonian minority. A lady from the Lithuanian organization asked what name they favor. Meto replied that he favors only ‘Macedonia’. He gave an example of the country of Georgia, state of Georgia. He gave how there is a province in Belgium called Luxembourg and a country called Luxembourg. He said how ‘Macedonians’ have a right to self-determination.
The Greek Embassy led by Panayiotis Giotopoulos responded to Meto’s allegations by saying how they are talking to FYROM over the name issue. He also said how FYROM is inventing minorities and gave a quote how nationalism is like a cheap drunk which can be toxic.
Meto gave a reply how his family is from Greece and we’re discriminated in Greece. He said his family comes from Thessaloniki.
The whole forum ended by 3:30pm with this exchange of Meto.