28 Απρ 2009

Veles marks 106th anniversary of Thessaloniki bombings by Bulgarian anarchist group

Στις 29 Απριλίου 1903, μια ομάδα Βούλγαρων αναρχικών, οι "γεμιτζήδες", ανατίναξαν το ελλιμενισμένο στην Τουρκοκρατούμενη Θεσσαλονίκη, Γαλλικό ατμόπλοιο "Γκουανταλκιβίρ".
Χθες στο γεγονός αναφέρθηκε ο δήμαρχος της πόλης Βέλεζ της ΠΓΔΜ, θεωρώντας φυσικά ότι οι Βούλγαροι Jordan Pop Jiordanov, Kostadin Kirkov κ.λ.π. ήταν "Μακεδόνες".

Veles. - 106 years since the Thessaloniki bombings were marked Monday in Veles in front of the town's monument erected to honor the Boatmen of Thessaloniki (Gemidzii), an anarchist group active in the years around 1900.
Veles mayor Goran Petrov in his speech at a ceremony said that the citizens of Veles were proud that the avant-garde thought of the early 1900s originated amongst them.
- The names of the Boatmen of Thessaloniki are deeply rooted in the memory of FyroMacedonia, he stated.
Most members of the group hailed from Veles. Educated in Thessaloniki, they shared the same purpose of changing international public opinion in the matter of the freedom of Macedonia, which at the time was under Ottoman rule, and to urge the social conscience of the oppressed in Thessaloniki and the general area toward more revolutionary ideas.
The bombings took place on April 29 1903 when the French steam boat Guadalquivir was attacked, as well as the Ottoman Bank, Post and several other smaller objects.
The group, which was founded in 1899, was made up of Orce Pop Jordanov, Konstantin Kirkov, Todor Organdziev, Ilija Trckov and Vladimir Pingov, Dimitar Koscanov, Dimitar Mecev, Milan Arsov, Pavel Satev and others.
(oι γείτονές μας, μας κάνουν τη χάρη πάντως, να μας αποκαλούν Thessaloniki !)
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