30 Μαΐ 2009

US Urges Creative "Macedonia" "Name" Solution

Nα το ξαναπούμε: Η Ελλάδα, δεν δέχεται άλλες πιέσεις ,σε σχέση με το "Μακεδονικό". Έκανε όλα τα βήματα για την προσέγγιση και κάτι παραπάνω! Πώς τολμάνε ακόμη να μιλάνε για "πιέσεις" προς την Ελλάδα; Η λέξη "πίεση" α-π-α-γ-ο-ρ-ε-υ-ε-τ-α-ι, για την Ελλάδα. Να μην τη ξανακούσουμε. Ποτέ και για κανένα λόγο. Κι αυτό το μήνυμα κα Μπακογιάννη, να το δώσετε με σαφήνεια στους Αμερικανούς φίλους σας. Αρκετά πίεσε την Ελλάδα, η συμμορία (χωρίς εισαγωγικά) του Ντάνιελ Φρηντ. Σειρά άλλων να πιεστούν.


US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg on Thursday urged "Macedonia" and Greece to find a creative solution to their ongoing name dispute.
In an interview with the "Macedonian" edition of Voice of America, Hillary Clinton’s deputy pledged US help toward finding a resolution to the dispute.

“We shall work hard with both parties to determine their national interests, as both Greece and "Macedonia" wish for the negotiation process to start moving forward,” Steinberg was quoted as saying.

The new US administration, he said, was hoping to motivate both countries to look beyond the predominant negative sentiment of their citizens and to “consider the wider strategic perspectives and benefits” that would arise from a resolution.

Last year, Athens blocked Skopje’s otherwise certain NATO accession bid, arguing that the country should change its official name, "Macedonia", which is also the name of Greece's northern province. From Athens' persepctive, Skopje's use of the name "Macedonia" suggests territorial claims on the Greek province.

Asked whether the US would send a special envoy to the region to speed up resolution efforts, Steinberg did not have an immediate answer.

However, the recent visits of US Vice-President Joseph Biden and Steinberg to the region demonstrate the importance the US attaches to the Western Balkans, he said.

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov recently said he expected to revive UN-brokered talks with Greece soon after the elections for the European Parliament in Greece, slated for early June.

The US has so far proven an important catalyst for these talks.
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