14 Νοε 2009

Η ταινία του "βασανισμένου Σκοπιανού" δημιουργεί αντιδράσεις

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Η ταινία "Nick Stoyan" είναι επιεικώς για τα μπάζα. Από ανθρώπους που δεν κατάφεραν να αποδώσουν σωστά ούτε το όνομα των Φυλακών Κορυδαλλού (τον αποκαλούν "Κορυατσαλλός" ή κάτι τέτοιο) δεν θα περίμενε κανείς τίποτα καλύτερο. Αυτήν την ταινία αξίζει να την αγνοήσουμε, γιατί θα πάει άκλαφτη όπου κι αν προβληθεί. Η ταινία "A Name Is A Name", όμως, είναι άλλη υπόθεση. Ο σκηνοθέτης της είναι ο...
άσημος Ισλανδός Sigurjon Einarsson και η μουσική είναι γραμμένη από τους διεθνούς φήμης Ισλανδούς Sigur Ros. Αυτή η ταινία θα μας δημιουργήσει πρόβλημα γιατί ο Einarsson είναι ελαφρά δικτυωμένος στα διεθνή φεστιβαλικά κυκλώματα.
Έστειλα το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον Einarsson μέσω Facebook. Ελπίζω να βρω ανταπόκριση, αν και όλα αυτά γίνονται για τα χρήματα, ελάχιστοι είναι οι ιδεαλιστές που θα κάνουν μια ταινία για κάποιο σκοπό που πιστεύουν.
"I am a Greek Macedonian. I speak the same language as Alexander the Great. What about MY right to defend MY history against the FYROM propaganda?In your movie's site you feature an interview with PM Gruevski who says: "I would like to point out that the Republic of Macedonia has never had, does not have nor will ever have territorial pretensions towards the Republic of Greece".Well, here is a picture of Mr. Gruevski laying a wreath at a monument depicting a map of so-called "Greater Macedonia" that encompasses 30% of the Greek territory.http://en.sae.gr/files/img/full/1228.jpgIt is so unfortunate that you allowed yourself to become a spokesman for the FYROM government and propaganda, without bothering to listen to the other side".
Απάντηση: A Name is a name? What about MY Name?
Hello Stergios - your country has in it's power and wealth pumped out it's propaganda over the years- your voice is very well known. In this first film about this saga - I give the Macedonians living in The Republic of Macedonia a voice - they have the right to have a voice. But I am working on a part two - Your country has answered - My ambassador in Washington - in the embassy of Iceland was planning to screen my film for few guests recently. Your ambassador have threaten my country Iceland that if they dear to screen the film - Greece will complicate our process towards EU membership - and make difficulties for us in our fight back to a stable economy. This is ugly and this is how your country wants to act on the international arena.Thank you Stergios - and thank you Greece.
Hello Sigurjon.I do not know what the Greek Ambassador in Washington DC told the Icelandic Ambassador. What I know is that I sent you a photo in which the FYROM PM Gruevski's acts violently contradict the bambi-eyed cute nice things that he told you about his country's territorial claims against Greece AND YOU DID NOT COMMENT.My question is why did you not comment?There IS an obvious answer, but I do not want to think it's true.

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