18 Σεπ 2010

Παγίδα ρευστότητας....τι είναι;

Ένα καταπληκτικό σχήμα, που περιγράφει τη διαδικασία και το φαινόμενο της "παγίδας ρευστότητας"

Και εδώ, η πραγματική "κινητήρια δύναμη" της υπόθεσης (FED MONETIZATION), στο επίκεντρο του ζητήματος!!!

Και μιας και μπήκαμε βαθιά πλέον, ιδού και η εξήγηση του μηχανισμού...
Σε δύο μόλις σχήματα...

Bridge to Nowhere - Bridge to Somewhere

So, now I need some help. Below is a two-part brain teaser, showing what happens to (1) wasted money, versus (2) well-spent money. Let's assume (1) the Bridge to Nowhere really does go nowhere, will be used by nobody, and will be good for nothing. Let's also assume (2) the Bridge to Somewhere will be useful to the private sector for generations, in many ways.

In short: (1) is a bad investment, (2) is a good investment. Now, aside from the difference between the two bridges we end up with, look closely at the subsequent effects, make a mental list of the undesirable effects of the "wasteful" spending, then leave a comment summarizing your findings. (My list wasn't very long, but I probably missed something.)

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