17 Ιουν 2014

"O ελληνικός εθνικός Ύμνος είναι ο ωραιότερος στον κόσμο"

Δεν το λέμε εμείς. Το είπε ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους συγγραφείς στον κόσμο. O Ιρλανδός ....

Τζέημς Τζόυς (βιογραφία εδώ)

http://www.eens-congress.eu/?main__page=1&main__lang=de&eensCongress_cmd=showPaper&eensCongress_id=362 o t
he end of his life Joyce retained an interest in Greek affairs. He followed closely the activities of the resistance movement during the war. He learned Greek songs from Paul Ruggiero. Describing the celebration of his birthday (which he called his ‘birthnight’), Joyce noted: ‘The evening was sure to close with a rendering of the Greek National Anthem—Χαίρε, χαίρε, Ελέυθεριά (Hail Hail oh! Liberty!).’[39] Shortly before his death, strolling through Zurich, he bought three books of Greek mythology for his grandson Stephen.[40] A final detail of emblematic significance: of the two books on his desk when he died, one was a Greek lexicon

διαβάστε και αυτό : http://www.enet.gr/?i=issue.el.home&date=16/06/2014&id=435315
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