Φοιτητές από το Τ.Ε.Ι. Κρήτης κατασκεύασαν την πρώτη αυτόματη μηχανή ....φραπέ. Βεβαίως έχει μια πολύ μεγάλη έλλειψη! Δεν βάζει μόνη της και το καλαμάκι! Δείτε το βίντεο:
Demonstration of an automatic machine, controlled by an S7-200 PLC unit, for preparing frappe coffee (a type of iced coffee which is very popular in Greece). The developed program allows selecting among three degrees of sweetness (determined by the amount of sugar and coffee used), while a portion of evaporated milk can also be added, if desired.
2010 Final year project by Baroumas Giorgos and Zambetis Stavros
Control Systems Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Dept.
Technological Educational Institute of Crete
(Heraklion, Greece).
Project supervisor: Dr. A. Kiprakis